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HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccination

  1. Are human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines safe?

Yes, it is safe and effective

  1. What is the common Side Effects of HPV Vaccines?
  • Pain, redness, or swelling in the arm where the shot was given
  • Fever
  • Headache or feeling tired
  • Nausea
  • Muscle or joint pain

To prevent fainting and related injuries, you should sit or lie down during vaccination. Please remain seated for 15 minutes after the injection. What is the common Side Effects of HPV Vaccinesbecuo.com551 × 339Search by image

3.     Can HPV vaccines damage women’s ovaries? No, it does not cause premature ovarian failure (a condition in which a woman’s ovaries stop functioning before the age of 40).

  1. Why are HPV vaccines needed if Pap Smear tests which are widely available in clinics can detect cervical cancer?

Pap smear test is a screening tool to detect cervical cancer at an early stage. However, the HPV vaccine actually prevents cervical cancer from developing in the first place.

 Why are HPV vaccines needed if Pap Smearwww.genericviagra123.com300 × 216Search by image

  1. If i take the HPV vaccine, how long will it protect me from the HPV infection?

Studies have shown that HPV vaccine does provide good protection for at least 8 years. Furthermore, your antibody level will be much higher after the vaccination, compared with the antibody level after the real infection.

  1. I am not currently sexually active yet. Why do I need the HPV vaccine? 

It works best when it is given before you engage in sexual activity. The vaccine is most effective when it’s given at a younger age. BEWARE!! You can get HPV infection if you engage in any kind of sexual activity. This involves oral sex or genital contact.

I am not currently sexually active yet                                                                                                                   Image: Google

  1. Is the HPV vaccination an indirect promotion for me to become involved in earlier sexual activity?

NO, HPV vaccination is about preventing cervical cancer. HPV vaccination is not about promoting sex.

  1. If I already have had sex, is it too late for me to get the HPV vaccination?

No, it is not too late. The vaccine is still recommended for those who are already sexually active. You might not have been infected yet with HPV during previous sexual activity.

If I already have had sex                                                                                                                       Image: Google

  1. Do I still need Pap Smear tests after I get the HPV vaccination?

Yes. This is because the HPV vaccine only prevents infection from the two types of HPV that causes most cases of cervical cancers. This vaccine does not protect against all the other types of HPV that could cause cervical cancer. Since you could be exposed to other types of HPV that is not covered by the vaccination, you still need to undergo regular Pap Smear examinations if you are already sexually active.

  1. If I am already pregnant, should I receive the HPV vaccine?

No. The HPV vaccine is not recommended for use in pregnancy. However if you happen to receive the HPV vaccine whilst being pregnant, it is important to note that the vaccine has not been shown to cause any harm to the baby. References

  1. www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Vaccines/HPV/hpv_faqs.html
  2. www.immunizebc.ca/diseases-vaccinations/hpv/hpvvaccinefaq-0
Last Reviewed : 24 Nov 2015
Writer : Dr. Rozimah binti Abdul Latif
Accreditor : Dr. Nazrila Hairin binti Nasir

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Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

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